Stacking the Shelves (84)

I genuinely didn't realize that it had been two months since my last Stacking the Shelves! So needless to say, I have a lot of books to share. Two of my unofficial reading goals this year was to read more of my own books and less review ones, and to diversify (as in broaden the genres I reach for). I'm pleased to say that I accomplished both and I think my haul below really reflects the latter. It's so easy to just read what's popular, which definitely plays a factor in how I find out about certain books. But I think this year more than ever I've been seeking out stories that may seem random to others (ie. my quest to read all the horse books) and I'm having a lot of fun with it. 

Here are the books!



What new books have you guys gotten lately?
with love,


1 comment

  1. I feel very similarly about acquiring books! I've been trying to go for titles that seem interesting to me, and not just what's popular in any of the online book communities I'm a part of (though those can be fun too).
