Hello 2019!

I feel like I'm about to say something rather atypical of me because I know I'm usually all "time is moving too quickly" but I've got to say – I am super, super excited for the new year. And it has a lot to do with the fact that I've spent the last couple of months making plans for 2019. It's almost ridiculous just how many things I've put on my calendar already but that's exactly what brings me joy. Whether it's dinner and a book event with friends, ice cream after work, a concert three months from now or a trip to Paris, each and every plan is something I can look forward to and that's really important to me to have.

In my 2018 reflection, I talked about how I focused on feeling appreciative of everything and everyone in my life and seizing opportunities when they arose. That focus drove me to go to London alone even when I was scared and to continuously find that balance between spending time with family, friends and myself. And to be honest, what I picture for 2019 isn't all that different from 2018. 

I still want to remember to appreciate the present while continuously pushing myself forward whenever I feel stuck. I want to consistently travel more but also take more time to explore what's right in front of me. And most importantly of all, I want to continue making plans – big and small ‐ with friends and family but remember that I'm capable of making myself happy too when I decide to do something on my own.

But if you want me to a little bit more details about 2019, here are some specific goals I have in mind!

My 2019 goals
Keep traveling. I was so proud of myself for going on three trips last year and for 2019, I'm aiming for more! I already have trips planned to Paris and San Francisco but I'm hoping to make room for two more. 

Plan a big cousins reunion. You know how I just mentioned San Francisco? I decided that all my cousins and I should have a big reunion trip. You might be confused because I'm always talking about my cousins but I also have ones who live in California, Chicago, Australia and Philippines. The plan is to go to SF together and since I'm in charge, I really want this to be a success. 

Stay focused on health. Halfway through last year I made big strides with changing my eating habits and losing some weight. It's always hard to not eat badly during the holidays but with the new year, I want to get back to exactly what I was doing and push myself even harder. 

Read 120 books. Aside from my usual reading, I want to finish the rest of my dad's favorite classics, continue to re-read old favorites and mix up my books a bit more. 

Do a better job of saving. I feel like my saving habits are a bit of a rollercoaster. There are months where I'm really good and others where my shopping gets the best of me. But overall, I saved quite a bit last year but I have to do better this year and be more consistent about it. 

Be open to hobbies. I started picking up my camera again, which has been so fun. I also rediscovered my love of jigsaw puzzles so now I'm a bit obsessed. Who knows what fun activity 2019 might bring. 

Continue blogging. Even with Instagram and Stories and who knows what else taking over these days, I still love my blog. I've been quite happy with my content recently (hopefully you have been too!) and I want to keep that up this year. 

Make changes if needed. I've definitely stayed at jobs far longer than I should have in the past and I don't want to make that same mistake. If my not-so-new gig still doesn't feel great after I hit a year, I need to do something about it. 

Just be happy. Cheesy but true. I want to keep making all the plans, going out with my loved ones and enjoying the little moments. It can be far too easy at times to let the every day stresses get to me and then forget about what is going right. 

And with all that said, hello 2019! I'm ready for you ☺

What are your goals or resolutions for 2019?
And Happy New Year! 
with love,


1 comment

  1. Since we're almost at the end of the year, I'd like to say that I think you did a stellar job with all these goals - and then some!
