Review: Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

Turtles All the Way Down 
by John Greenpub 10/10/17 by Dutton Books for
Young Readers
Young Adult - Contemporary
The first John Green book I ever read was The Fault in Our Stars and I was one of those people who fell completely head-over-heels in love with it. Naturally I wanted to read his other books so I picked up Looking for Alaska next. I was so disappointed in that book that I decided I wasn’t going to read anything else in his backlog. As you can imagine then, the announcement of Turtles All the Way Down filled me with both glee and trepidation. I knew I would read it but I definitely set my expectations very low because I was also a different reader now than I was 5 years ago when I first read his work.

Guys, I am happy to say that I really, really liked Turtles All the Way Down. There’s definitely still something about it that’s quintessential John Green but at the same time, it’s more mature and well-rounded than his previous works. We follow sixteen-year-old Aza who deals constantly with overwhelming anxieties. The way Green portrays her spiraling thoughts is by letting us read her unfiltered stream of consciousness. Her anxiety-plagued thoughts mixed in with her calmer internal dialogue. Even reading it made me feel this weight and oppression so I can’t begin to imagine what it must be like to live with that. You don’t see this portrayed often in books and I thought Green handled it extremely well.

But while her anxiety plays a huge role in her life and effects everything around her, we do see beyond that. We meet her best friend Daisy and again, get a very real glimpse into the growing pains of friendship. It’s Daisy who decides they should try to solve a local mystery regarding the disappearance of billionaire Russell Pickett in order to win a reward. It sounds ridiculous but it actually worked as catalyst. Because it leads to Aza reuniting with Pickett’s son, Davis, who she used to be friends with. That was another relationship I enjoyed watching unfold as it not only forced Aza to confront certain things about herself but was also just quietly romantic.

Do I recommend?
I do! I think this is really strong comeback and it makes me excited for more books from him.


  1. YAY!! So glad you liked this. I'm super excited to find time to start reading it (TOO MANY OCTOBER BOOKS AHHHH!!) & am kind of worried that if I don't love it, I'l have to wait 999 years for another John Green book to try!

  2. I'm so glad you liked this! I've only read The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns, and I really enjoyed them. I have been worried about approaching Turtles because I thought that John Green's writing might not be my thing anymore (I read his other books a while ago), but I'm glad to hear that it is more mature and well rounded. I really love seeing authors grow through each book they publish, so thank you for making me look forward to Turtles even more :D

  3. I was a little wary of this one, but your review has encouraged me to consider checking it out (when my TBR isn't trying to kill me)! It sounds really interesting.


with love,
