Flights of Fantasy: Reading Challenge 2017

Another successful year of the Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge has gone by and we couldn't be happier. Thank you to everyone who joined not only the challenge but the book club portion of it too! As always, it was a lot of fun seeing people reach their goals and discovering new fantasy authors along with us.

And in case you were wondering, I totally met my goal and surpassed it. I set out to read 35 but ended up reading 50! Plus there's still a few more weeks to go so I will definitely be adding more fantasy books to my list. 


Alexa of Alexa Loves Books & I will be hosting the Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge again in 2017! We hope all fantasy readers - whether you're a newbie or a veteran - will be joining us, and we promise that, as with last year, things will be real simple.

Things You Need to Know
  • The challenge will run from January 1-December 31, 2017.
  • We're welcoming all readers to join us for this challenge! In order to sign up, readers just need to link to their blogs or their Goodreads profile or their Twitter / YouTube / Instagram account in the Linky below. That way, we can see where you'll be sharing your thoughts on all your fantasy reads (and we can come and visit you)!
  • You can read as many fantasy novels as you'd like to. No levels for this challenge!
  • There will be two giveaways, one at 6 months and one at the end of the year. More details will be provided closer to those dates.
  • Help us spread the word! Feel free to tweet about the challenge using our official hashtag #flightsoffantasy, grab the button to link to the challenge in your blog sidebar, share the image on Pinterest / Instagram or even write your own post about it. We love talking with fellow fantasy fans and want to reach as many of them as possible!

How to Participate

Flights of Fantasy Book Club
We're continuing the Flights of Fantasy Book Club (FOF Book Club for short) but we realized that we needed to take a simpler approach. In other words, we'll be reading a book by a new-to-us fantasy author together per quarter. We'll announce the book at the beginning of each quarter and post our discussions at the end of it. 

Now, for my personal goal, I'm making it a point to read 35 fantasy books next year! I know it's a goal I can reach but as always, I'll try to surpass it.

And that's really all you need to know about the Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge. Simple, right? We certainly hope you'll be joining us in indulging your love of fantasy reads in 2017! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section or tweet either of us directly.

If you have a blog, here's a button you can include in the sidebar and we hope to see your name in the Linky below!

with love,



  1. I'm excited to participate once again!!

  2. YAY FOF! Excited to be doing this again, and to be reading more new-to-us authors ;)

  3. YAY!! I'm excited to participate!! I've been looking for a challenge like this and Flights of Fantasy is perfect(:

  4. I wanna participate! This is my blog, I think I'm gonna make a post.

  5. I just found out about this challenge and I'm so pumped! Fantasy makes up at LEAST 60% of what I read, so this should be fun. I'll be setting my goal as 35 as well, just since this is my first year joining the challenge and I want to see how it goes. Very happy to join you all!!! And thank you to the hostesses for hosting! :D

    My blog:

  6. This will be my first time and I am just trying to decide what my goal is going to be?? Eeeek :)
