Stacking the Shelves (3)

I bought a lot of books in the last two weeks. But in my defense - I had already read most of them! I just wanted a copy for my shelves. (This is my perfectly sound justification.) Then friends were super generous in passing along ARCs to me and of course the books I put at hold at the library all came in. It's a bit overwhelming but the good kind. So many stories, so little time! 


Thanks Michelle!
Thanks Alexa!


Email me
if interested! If you're a blogger, I just ask that you link back to my site when you review. Thanks!
with love,



  1. Eeeeeep so many pretty books! You're really good about buying books and then actually reading them, unlike me... But anyway, I hope you enjoy Where the Stars Still Shine just as much as I do, and Burning sounds super good, too! Happy reading, Rachel :)

  2. Overload of awesome books omg!!!!! JUST ONE YEAAAAAAR!!!!! I cannot express enough how much I'm dying to read that oneeeee. And then there's Burning, This Song Will Save Your Life, Where The Stars Still Shine and All Our Yesterdays. Oh how I long for these books. <3 I hope you enjoy reading them! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! :)

  3. SO many books!!! And gahhh JUST ONE YEAR. Absolutely LOVE Where The Star Still Shine and hope you will, too! And so jealous at your drive to review a book right after you finish it.

    I've been so bad at visiting blogs, so I'm not sure if this is new or not, but LOVE the blog design :)

  4. Ok, I thought I was the only one who got either review books or borrowed book who then had to buy a personal copy!!! I'm so glad I'm not alone!! I am SO excited for All Our Yesterdays!!!

  5. OMG YOU HAVE JUST ONE YEAR. Listen for my insanely jealous screeching all the way from the Philippines! Kidding. Well, sort of. But seriously!

    On the other hand, what a sincerely awesome haul of books! I see a lot of favorites on there :)
