Bookbags (5): Road trip

Monthly feature where I pair books with bags or share what's in a bag (mine or otherwise!) est. 4/2013.

Road trips are one of my favorite ways to vacation. I know planes are faster and more comfortable. But it just can't compare to that feeling of driving down the open highway with your best friends, music blasting, windows down, sun shining in your face. I always associate road trips with summer and I'm a lil' bummed that I haven't had time for a road trip yet. But it's still the beginning of August - so there's still time! I thought for this month's Bookbags, it would be fun to feature some awesome roadtrip books.

(1) In Honor by Jessi Kirby + Camp Director Tote in Day Camp
I love the cover of this book and also, a road trip with a Tim Riggins look-a-like? Sign me up! At first, I wanted a bag with a bit of red in it since Honor loves her red boots but when I saw this blue polka dot bag which perfectly matched her dress, I knew this was a winner.  (Review

(2) Saving June by Hannah Harrington + Lincoln Square Garrett
This was one of those books where once I started it, I just couldn't put it down. I have a thing for music-obsessed characters and Jake Tolan certainly fit the bill. I loved all the playlists and just this idea that there's a song for every mood. The cover on this one is mostly neutral but then there's this pop of hot pink at the bottom. I wanted to highlight that and this cute clutch (or shoulder bag!) was the exact same color as the flower. (Review)

(3) Perfect Escape by Jennifer Brown + Fort Worth Lock Satchel
I didn't want to just pick standard roadtrip books and Perfect Escape immediately came to mind. It's certainly not conventional and features a pair of siblings, one of whom doesn't even want to be on the trip. The first thing I noticed when I looked at the cover (aside from the sunny skies) is the bold orange font and I knew I wanted a bag in that same color. (Review

What are you some of your favorite road trip books?
And which bag do you like best?
with love,



  1. I've been eyeing the Camp Director tote ever since I saw it on Modcloth. It's so cute and it works perfectly with In Honor. If I were to go splurge on one of these bags, it would most likely be that one because polka dots and blue are so me! But I'm really loving the Lincoln Square Garrett too!

    1. I think Camp Director tote is so much fun and great for the summer. If you're still thinking about it.. you should get it! ;)

  2. Rachel, I LOVE this post! I myself haven't been on a roadtrip with my friends yet, but living through them in books is perfectly fine. I love the bags you paired with these three books! My favorite is the one with In Honor, because it's polka dots and it's FUN and big! Thanks for sharing, Rachel. :)

    1. Road trips are so much fun! But being trapped in a small space with people for a long period of time CAN be tricky - I won't lie. So make sure you like the people you're going with lol. And travel packed with music, books, snacks and pillows for napping!

  3. I officially want all of these bags! From the bright pink to the classic denim blue colour to brown leather. I'm in! And you spotlighted some fabulous books. I haven't read Perfect Escape yet, but I have it and I've been meaning to get to it! But I loved Saving June and In Honor!

    Tara @ Hobbitsies

    1. I love doing this posts but every time I do, I end up wanting to shop and buying all the bags I feature! And you should def read Perfect Escape - great book!

  4. Okay.... while I don't NEED a new purse... this makes me want to go out purse shopping! I think my eyes are immediately drawn to the Camp Director tote... but the practicality/adult side of me is dying for that Fort Worth satchel! Great picks this week!

    1. Thanks! I do think the Fort Worth satchel is definitely the most practical. And usually I'm not a huge fan of orange but I like that dark burnt orange shade!

  5. LOVE that lock satchel! Ahhhh this feature always makes me want to go shopping.

  6. All of these are such awesome choices! Especially the lock satchel.

    I love road trip books and seeing this post really made my day.

  7. I LOVE THAT YOU PICKED A ROAD TRIP THEME. (Side note: We need to go on a road trip at some point in our lives.) These bags are all lovely, really, but my favorite has got to be the one you picked for IN HONOR. It's perfect, really, and I would totally use it in real life!
