Rachel & Carina's Infinite Playlist (19)

RACHEL • "Live Your Life" by Yuna
I found this song on Myspace if you can believe it (yes, it's still around and I've been using the "new" version!). What struck me immediately about the song was her voice and how mellow her sound was. It's calming, chill and yet uplifting. I found myself stopping what I was doing to look up the lyrics and really listen. I loved the song even more once I realized the message behind it. It's about figuring who you are and embracing it. Following your dreams, living your life and knowing you're meant for something more. I think we all need to hear that from time to time.

CARINA • "I Miss You" by Incubus
I've been listening to a lot of Incubus lately and this song has always been a favorite of mine. I've been missing certain people lately and thought this song was the perfect choice for this week.. Listen to the song. It pretty much sums up how I feel.

If you like our music, you can subscribe to our playlist on Spotify which we'll update each week!


with love,
