March Photo Challenge: Days 5-7

Day 5: A Smile

Carina texted me this picture so I can't take credit for it.  But earlier that day we had gotten into this conversation about how our views on having a "dream job" have changed since high school.  Sure, I like what I do but I certainly don't wake up excited to go to the office.  This is what I want: to do something I enjoy and work hard at it, have a stable job, nice coworkers, good benefits and a really good salary. That way I can do whatever I want (like travel!) and live my life.  I (well, we) never want to be one those people whose lives are consumed by their profession.  So when she sent me this pic a few hours later, it put a smile on my face.  Definitely words to remember! 

Day 6: 5pm

My favorite time of the (week) day.  Enough said. 

Day 7: Something you wore

I knew it was going to be a beautiful day so I wanted to wear this new dress I got from Ruche.  I can't wait until it's warmer so I can wear dresses more often! 

1 comment

  1. aw, glad that pic put a smile on your face! I can't take credit for it either. I found it on instagram (my new obsession lol). Love the rest of your pics & can't wait to see more! miss ya, woman!


with love,
